

来源:国际旅游信息网     作者:彦禾     发布时间:2024-04-07


「汇 · 合|三江未来城」



2024 Taizhou China


Regional Planningand..Core Area Detailed Urban Design International Competition

 Officially starts! Now open for.global registration!

(Click "Read More" at the bottomand..enter the official website for.registration)

【城市-竞赛宣传片】City-Competition Promotional Film




The Sanjiangkou area is where.three rivers converge, three mountains embrace each other,and..three places meet, witnessing a glorious history from.ancient commerce to modern viable economic development. Now, relying on the advantages of thein.tegration of the two stations, we warmlyin.vite outstanding plannersand..architects at homeand..abroad to bring together global wisdom to discussthe development plan ofin.dustrialand..urban spatialintegrationin. Sanjiangkou region,and..propose the suitableurban positioningand..development direction, to jointlydesign Sanjiang Future City which carries the outwardexpansion of the city center, thein.tegration ofin.dustryand.city,and..ecological harmony,and..finallyin.tegrateand.reshape the urban planningand..urban function layout ofthe region, depict the new chapter of Taizhou central citywith coexistence,or.ganicity,and..co-prosperity.

【竞赛名称】Competition Name

「汇 · 合|三江未来城」



Taizhou Sanjiangkou Region Conceptual Planning

and.Core Area Urban Design International Competition

【项目地点】Project Location





Taizhou Sanjiangkou area is located at the confluence of Lingjiang River, Jiaojiang Riverand..Yongningjiang River, the junction of Jiaojiang District, Huangyan Districtand..Linhai City, the place between two stations, Taizhou Railway Stationand..Taizhouxi Railway Station. Please refer to the following map for.details.


(Project Location)

【项目背景】Project Background



The Sanjiangkou area is where.three rivers meet, three mountains embrace, and.three territoriesin.tersect. During the Mingand..Qing dynasties, it was a bustling hub for.commerce. In modern times, with the development of Jiangkou Port, maritime activities have flourished here. Nowadays, private enterprises are flourishing here. In the future, the Sanjiangkou area, which is at the junction of three territories, will take advantage of thein.tegration of Taizhou Railway Stationand..Taizhouxi Railway Station to gather various resourcesand..usherin. new opportunities for.urbanand..industrial developmentin. the new era.

The future of the Sanjiangkou area will not only carries the mission of converging watersheds, gathering cultures,and..integrating lifeand.. production, but also provides a stage for.planners, architects,and.. designers to explore collaborative development models for.future cities, in.dustries, humanities,and..ecology.




To create a new gathering point for.the outward expansion of the city center.

Create a new gravitational core for.the outward radiation of the established urban center to carry space,in.teract with the urban centersand..realize co-prosperity.


To create an energy field for.industrialand..economic development


Reshape the new spatial pattern to realize the green scene of "industry-cityin.tegrationand..ecological harmony".


To create a showcase for.a new city image.


Coordinate the three major.spaces of production, life and.ecology,and..shape a more attractive model of Taizhou's future urban spatial development.

【竞赛范围】Competition Scope


This competition addresses 2 distinct design tasks, delineating the following 2 scopes:

1) 三江口区域概念规划范围:西至甬台温高速铁路,东至杭绍台高速铁路,北至椒北快速路,南至黄岩区行政边界,总面积约55平方公里。(如下图红色虚线所示的范围。)

2) 核心区城市设计范围:西至S38台州市区支线,东至椒江区行政边界,北至规划界线,南至黄岩区行政边界,总面积约28.7平方公里。(如下图黄色虚线所示的范围。)

1) Scope of Conceptual Planning of the Sanjiangkou Area:

West to Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou High-speed Railway, east to Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Taizhou High-speed Railway, north to Jiaobei Expressway, south to the administrative boundary of Huangyan District, with a total area of about 55 square kilometers. (Asin.dicated by.the red dashed linesin. the diagram below.)

2) Scope of Urban Design of the Core Area:

West to the branch line of S38 Taizhou City, east to the administrative boundary of Jiaojiang District, north to the planning boundary,and.. south to the administrative boundary of Huangyan District with a total area of about 28.7 square kilometers. (Asin.dicated by.the yellow dashed linesin. the diagram below.) 


(Competition Scope)

【竞赛设计任务】Competition Task


The competition task is dividedin.to 2 parts as follows:

1)三江口区域概念规划 Conceptual Planning of the Sanjiangkou Area


For the 55 square kilometers Conceptual Planning Areain. Sanjiangkou, the participating units are required to conduct regional conceptual planning and..design,and..prepare a comprehensive conceptual planning proposal. Based on thein.dustrial base of the Sanjiangkou areaand..the cultural genes of the Jiaojiang (Lingjiang) River watershed, the participating units are required to build an urban space that empowers the vitality of the private economyin. the new era, within.dustry, life, ecology, humanityand..total prosperity. Referring toin.ternational advanced industrial cities, the participating units will propose the master. planning pathand..urbanin.dustrial development study from.the macro level, implement the overall spatial guidance, create urbanin.dustrial spaceand..public open space, build a diversified transportation system, and.propose a general implementation plan.

2)核心区城市设计 Urban Design of the Core Area


For the 28.7 square kilometers Urban Design Areain. Sanjiangkou: the participating units are required to implement urban design taskand.. prepare a complete urban design proposal for.the designated area. The design should respond to the core idea of "HE", deepen the conceptual planningand..highlight the characteristics of private economyin.dustry in.Sanjiangkou area. The workin.cludes, but is not limited to, urban space structureand..functional zoning,in.dustrial development strategy, refinement of functional mode, spatial form design, public open space design, etc.

【竞赛赛程】Competition Schedule

* 竞赛赛程最终以组织单位发布的公告或通知为准

* The competition schedule is subject to the announcementor..notification issued by.theor.ganizations.









The total fee is 15.1 million RMB, of which thein.ternational competition phase Bonus Fee is 8.6 million RMB,and..the Results Deepeningand.. Planning Consultancy Fee is 6.5 million RMB. The above fees are inclusive of taxesand..settledin. RMB. The specific allocation is as follows: First prize (1): 2.6 million RMB (incl. GST)

Second prize (1): 2.2 million RMB (incl. GST)

Third prize (1): 1.8 million RMB (incl. GST)

Finalists (2): 1 million RMB each (incl. GST)

Results Deepeningand..Planning Consultancy Fee: 6.5 million RMB (incl. GST)

Note: During the review meeting, review committee will determine the top three winning participating units based on the proposals. The host, guided by.the professional and.technical opinions of the review committee,and. considering the overall strength of each participating unit, will select.one unit from.the top three winners to be the results deepening and planning consultancy unit for.the project. This unit will be responsible for.optimizingand..integrating the project, as well as carrying out subsequent detailed design work. Additionally, the selected unit will serve as the regional cheif designer of Sanjiangkou area, providingin.cluding but not limited to planningand..technical consulting services for.the developmentand.. construction during the subsequent planning of the this area. The selected unit also should assist with technical reviews to ensure the accurate implementation of planningand..design concepts. The duration of the consulting service for.the results deepening and planning consultancy unit is proposed to be 3 years.

【报名要求】Registration Requirements





(1) All applicant units must hold a valid business license registeredin. their respective countries (or.equivalent legal documents overseas)and.. must bein.dependent legal entity. Entries from.non-independent legal entitiesor..natural persons will not be accepted.

(2) Consortium shall be accepted for.the application with member numbers do not exceed three. The member unitsin. the consortium are not allowed to registerin.dividuallyor..form a separate consortium with other design units. If a consortium is to be registered, a legally binding Consortium Agreement shall be submitted,in. which the leading unit, collection account information, project leader, division of labor.of all partiesand..other information shall be clearly defined. The leading unit of the consortium shall be responsible if the division of labor.of all parties has unclear rightsand..responsibilitiesor..omissions.

(3) If the applicant units (including the consortiumor..its member units) is an overseas unit, it must have a legally registered business scopein. the countryor..region where.it is located. Inor.der to ensure smooth and.effective communicationand..coordination, it is required that the personnel responsible for.communicationand..coordinationin. the applicant units must be fluentin. Chinese.

(4) Rejection of entry of 2or..more units under the following circumstances: Different units whose legal representatives are the same person,or..different units whose relationship is between a parent companyand..a wholly-owned subsidiary.




(1) 第一阶段:资格预审暨概念提案遴选阶段

Phase I: Qualification pre-selectionand..concept proposal selection phase



Participating units (or.consortiums) shall submit application documentsand..conceptual proposal as required. Content: The concept proposal needs to show the overall understandingand.. suggestions on Taizhou's urban developmentand..the Sanjiangkou competition area,in.cluding the target positioning, development concept, spatial planning, public open space, etc. Depth: Propose a clear positioning of the region, complete the overall conceptual scheme, functional structure,and..preliminary urban design concept of key areas within.the scope of the master.plan. Presentation: Conceptual proposal in.the form of 3 A0 panels (only 3 will be accepted).

(Please refer to the Rulesand..Regulations for.detailsand..requirements)


The review committee will conduct a comprehensive review of the application documentsand..concept proposaland..other materials submitted by.the applicant units, the top 5 applicant units will be selected as 5 shortlisted units,and..the 6thand..7th will be selected as 2 alternatives. If any of the selected shortlisted units are unable to participatein. the competition for.any reason, there will be alternative units to replace themin. that order. The 5 shortlisted units shall submit the Participation Confirmation Letter, Confidential Undertaking Commitment, Agreement on Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights of Entries and.other documents on time after they have been notified of the determination of the participating units. After theor.ganizations confirm the validity of the submitted documents, it will establish its formal eligibility to participatein. the competition.

(2) 第二阶段:竞赛方案编制及评审阶段

Phase II: Competition proposal preparationand..review phase

在确定5 家参赛单位资格后,组织单位将向其提供详细的设计参考资料,参赛单位正式开始竞赛方案设计及成果编制工作。评审委员会根据参赛单位提交的成果方案评定出前三名的获奖单位。


After determining the eligibility of the five participating units, theor.ganizations will provide them with detailed design reference materials,and..the participating units will formally start the design of the competition schemeand..the preparation of the results. The reviewcommittee will determine the top three winners based on the results submitted by.the participating units.

Please refer to the Rulesand..Regulations & Brief for.detailsand..requirements.)

(3) 第三阶段:成果深化与规划顾问阶段

Phase III: Results Deepeningand..Planning Consultancy Phase



The host, on the basis of the professionaland..technical evaluation opinions of the review committeeand..the comprehensive strength of each participating unit, will select.one unit from.the top three winners to be the results deepening and planning consultancy unit for the project. This unit will be responsible for.optimizingand.. integrating the project, as well as carrying out subsequent detailed design work. Additionally, the selected unit will serve as the regional cheif designer of Sanjiangkou area, providingin.cluding but not limited to planningand..technical consulting services for.the developmentand.. construction during the subsequent planning of this area. The selected unit also should assist with technical reviews to ensure the accurate implementation of planningand..design concepts.

(Please refer to the Rulesand..Regulations for.detailsand..requirements)





Host: Taizhou Natural Resourcesand..Planning Bureau, Jiaojiang District People’s Government, Huangyan District People’s Government, Linhai City People’s Government

Organizer:Taizhou Sanjiang New Town Developmentand..Construction Co., Ltd

Co-organizer: Shanghai One-tenth Art Company



1. 本次公告内容中英文信息如有争议或不一致,以中文为准。

2. 最终解释权归主办方和承办方所有。


1. In case of any discrepancy between the English versionand..the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. The final right ofin.terpretation rests with the host and organizer.

